Here's Andrew packing around nephews while we looked at airplanes. Behind him is a big hanger... I think this stuff is so cool!
I suppose this is my claim to fame in the Air force. I'm not sure why it was at Hill Air Force Base, but none-the-less it was exciting to see.
Becky (Andrew's sister) and me - I was hoping to get the plane behind us in the pic too, but too many people were in the way!
The show was actually really cool! They had tons of planes from gigantic to small for everyone to touch and look at. We spent literally the entire day watching the amazing flyers and looking at all the demonstrations. I tried to get pics of the trick planes in flight but I don't have that great of camera... so, they didn't really turn out.
Katie and Justin's Wedding
The Burley Clan- All my good ole' friends from Burley High!
I love this pic, because the picture lady had me sit on Andrew's knee and you would never guess that he was shaking under my body. Not that he is weak or that I am heavy, but Andrew has bad knees (one he has had surgery on), and the lady had us in that pose forever trying to get everyone right-- needless to say this wasn't his favorite pose.
Andrew and I driving up to Katie's Wedding at the Draper Temple. Also, a good look at my new dew -- all thanks to my neighbor Alene!