Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's a GIRL!

Over the weekend I was feeling some strange pains that made me worry, so Monday (yesterday) I made an appointment. They decided it was best to give me an ultrasound to check things out... nothing to worry about. The advantage was that I found out I was a week further than I thought and I could find out what we were having. Of course Andrew wasn't there because it was last minute, so I called him to come down so we could find out together. Luckily the nurse and office was so nice to let me wait until Andrew got there (45 minutes later).

The entire pregnancy we both felt we were having a girl (and most everyone we know thought so too) so we weren't too surprised, but still very happy. The majority of my family side is girls: sisters, aunts, cousins, etc; so, it would have been different for me to have a boy... but, maybe next time. I think Andrew is a little worried we'll have all girls, so he plans on TomBoying our girls a little until he gets a boy, but we all know I will girlify our little chick, so we'll have some super cute Girly soccer/softball/hunter/fisher girls.