Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sophia 7 1/2 months

Sophia is now 7 1/2 months! She has 3 1/2 teeth; she sits; eats solids, paper, and price tags. She has actually pooped out a price tag that still said "suggested retail price." She is a big talker, especially at church (for some reason church inspires her squeals, grunts, and babbles) where she frequently competes for attention with her extremely adorable vocalizing. Relief Society loves her, however most of the women are pregnant with their first child, therefore I am positive they dream of having a sweet baby like Sophie.

Sophie the day after her hospital release. She ended up back in ER because she was horribly sick, but not too sick to enjoy the new toy attached to her arm. She didn't mind the IV at all, but loved biting, sucking, and analyzing the yellow bee wrap.

I love walks! And leaning forward to suck and bit on my tray.

This is the basket where we keep her toys. I'd love to say she did this on her own, but no, I posed her.

This is my favorite outfit for church. I love her leggings! Everyone told me how cute she looked, and, if I could take credit, many babies were in leggings after that. Right after this picture we had the prayer to begin Relief Society, during which Sophie made some suspicious sounds. Later, 30 minutes later, Sophie was scooting around for toys and I noticed a huge orangish goop on her beautiful quilt. Unfortunately, blowouts are always a risk.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Sorry, especially to my Mom, for not posting for 5 months! Seriously ashamed that Sophia is 4 months old and not one picture of her was posted. Well, for the few followers that I might still have, here are a few of our beautiful Sophia.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feeling Huge!

Finally in the home run of pregnancy, but I hear the last couple weeks is the longest... so far so true! I am still teaching and hope to teach up til the second I am in labor, and my kids are just as excited as I am. In fact I passed out paper for them to write down name ideas (they don't know we have one picked out yet) and told them if we picked their name I would give them a candybar.

Here is an updated picture at 35 weeks.