Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Andrew and I have finally decided to join the bandwagon, we are officially bloggers! So to begin our first blog, I wanted to catch up on our summer adventures. Andrew, being the outdoors "man vs. wild" guy that he is, loves to do as much as possible to fill our summer days with excitement. We love to go down to Andrew's parents and enjoy the great outdoors with their equipment and their company! Canoeing, fishing and exploring are always at the top of our list of enjoyable recreational summer activities. Here are pictures of Andrew and I with his parents, Liz and Farrell. Liz and I were both a little wary of the canoes, once we were in we realized how easily they could tip (of course to fully understand our fright you must know that our husbands like to scare us)... but soon after we started rowing we enjoyed a very dry ride.

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